When Do You Need to Consult a Podiatrist?
When Do You Need to Consult a Podiatrist? We tend to take our feet for granted. But when you experience a problem with one of your feet, you certainly know about it! Maybe you’re experiencing pain when you put your shoes on, or perhaps walking is becoming more...
Our Podiatrist’s Tips For Looking After Your Feet
Our Podiatrist’s Tips For Looking After Your FeetIf you have a problem with one, other or both of your feet, the place you should book an appointment is your local podiatrist or chiropodist. You may suspect you have a verruca or a corn, or are just experiencing pain...
Common Causes of Heel Pain and How To Address Them
Common Causes of Heel Pain and How To Address ThemWe all experience pain in our feet from time to time, and often, we just put it down to tired legs from an extended walk or shopping trip, for instance. But the chances are that the cause could be something completely...
If you’re looking for a trusted, local foot care expert in Kent, make an appointment at Pantiles Podiatry. As a fully qualified chiropodist in Tunbridge Wells, I can help you with quick assessment and experienced treatment of all foot concerns. Call and ask for more information on 01892 536 820.