Foot Care Treatments from a Chiropodist and Podiatrist in Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Looking for a trusted and highly recommended podiatrist in Tunbridge Wells? Myles Allfrey of Pantiles Podiatry has worked in the local community for over 20 years. Fully trained and registered as a chiropodist/ podiatrist, Myles offers both general, specialist and childrens foot care in Tunbridge Wells and the wider Kent area.

Our Services
- General podiatry
- Specialist podiatry
- Nail surgery
- Biomechanical analysis
- 20 years’ experience
What Areas Our Services Cover
In terms of general podiatry and chiropody, we offer a high level of quality care for clients of all ages and types. If you are experiencing discomfort, pain or reduced mobility because of problems with your feet, come to us for expertise in:
- Treatment for calluses, corns, bunions and verrucas
- Ingrown toenails, which can be treated with surgery where necessary
- Nail cutting, foot massages, foot care and footwear advice
We also offer specialist care for specific groups of people who benefit from seeing a podiatrist on a regular basis, including those with diabetes; people who suffer from arthritis; or anyone who has experienced a sports injury.
We are also specialists in Paedo Podiatry and can treat your children for any of their feet problems
Additionally, we are proud to offer biomechanical analysis, a service which uses state of the art computerised equipment to analyse an individual’s gait and determine whether there are any underlying problems that might be affecting their mobility. This can be important in identifying existing issues, such as over- or underpronation (where the foot rolls excessively inwards or outwards as you walk). It can then help our podiatrist to aim to correct any troublesome problem which could lead to future mobility issues as a result of an abnormal gait.
Make Pantiles Podiatry Your First Port of Call For Feet Problems
Generally, if you are experiencing any problem at all with your feet or your toenails, we are happy to help. We aim not only to cure the issue but also prevent that or other problems occurring in future. All appointments and treatments are individually tailored to the specific needs, situation and circumstances of each client. For dedicated, caring and professional podiatry and chiropody services, call us today.
If you’re looking for a trusted, local foot care expert in Kent, make an appointment at Pantiles Podiatry. As a fully qualified chiropodist in Tunbridge Wells, I can help you with quick assessment and experienced treatment of all foot concerns. Call and ask for more information on 01892 536 820.